Bryan Adams Close
Up Information |
Close Up Teacher/Coordinator - Mr. Hall (Room 249)
- Bryan Adams HS (972)502-5027
Email me at
Get your sample "funds-seeking" letter HERE. |
Up Brochure
The Trip | Program Instruction
| The Price | Enrollment | Rules and Policies | Sample
Schedule |
to See the Real Washington, D.C.?
Close Up Washington is much more than a field trip - it's an exciting weeklong study
visit to the nation's capital, where you'll have the opportunity to experience your
government and the political process firsthand. While most visitors to the city just see
Washington's monuments and museums, Close Up Washington participants get an
"inside" look at the nation's capital - with the people and the places that make
this city unique.
Who Can Take Part?
Close Up does not restrict participants based on beliefs, background, or race. Close Up
has no affiliation with any branch of government, political party, or interest group. By
presenting many sides of an issue, Close Up's programs leave political judgments up to
Beyond any requirements set by your school, all high school students are eligible to
participate. And that's only the beginning. In this on-line brochure, you'll find out why
Close Up Washington is a once-in-a-lifetime educational opportunity. So read on - the
adventure starts here! |
just Another Class Trip...
You, along with students from across the
country and maybe even around the world, will embark on a learning adventure like no other
- one with active participation, peer interaction, and most of all, fun!
Even as a high school student, you have the power to become an active citizen. The Close
Up Washington program is designed to help you understand how you can influence your
community, your state, and your nation.
Explore the corridors of power on Capitol Hill. Learn how interest groups, constituent
concerns and party politics can influence your legislators' decisions. Listen to the
Supreme Court and think about how the decisions made there affect your life. Read the
names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and reflect on the role the United States plays
internationally. Focus on the characteristics of national heroes as you explore the
Lincoln, the Jefferson, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt and newly opened MLK Memorials. Exchange viewpoints on current issues with newsmakers and government
experts. From morning to night, Close Up Washington gives you an intensive look at
government in action. From Embassy Row to ethnic neighborhoods, our nation's capital
becomes a learning laboratory for you and your friends. In congressional meeting rooms or
federal agency headquarters, in small-group workshops and guided bus tours, you will find
that the Close Up Washington program is government studies like you've never seen before.
Instead of asking questions of your teachers, you will have the opportunity to ask
Washington experts during face-to-face meetings in which you will also hear updates on
important national issues. Through legislative meetings, topical seminars, and political
debates, you'll have the chance to share your views with peers from around the country and
also to listen to their opinions. Above all, Close Up combines an unparalleled learning
experience with a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.. |
Your program instructors, or "PIs" as they are referred to on program, know how
to challenge your capabilities. They help you discover just how much you can learn when
the experience is new; different and fun. Each specially trained PI is responsible for
making learning fun for a small working group, or
"workshop," of students. In addition to college degrees, the PIs bring both
different life experiences and diverse backgrounds to the group. Students look to their
PIs for a knowledge of Washington, D.C., as both a political and historical city; for an
unbiased interpretation of current issues, for help in making sense of difficult issues
that students may not fully understand, and for respecting others' opinions enough to
listen to all sides of an issue. Close Up program instructors are unique-they help you
witness, learn about, and become involved with some of the most important aspects of your
Daily Workshops
Small-group workshops, made up of 15 to 22 participants, are an important part of program
- the part that students often enjoy the most! These informal workshops, conducted by
Close Up PIs, go hand-in-hand with the issues that have been discussed during the program
day They are designed to do more than help you sharpen your debating and speaking skills;
they also bring to life the topics you encounter during your program week through role
playing and other simulation exercises. Close Up's dally workshops are unique; they allow
students to express their own opinions and listen to and learn from others.
Across the Country and Around the World
From North Dakota to Puerto Rico, Guam to Egypt, students from all 50 states, the U.S.
territories, and international schools have traveled to our nation's capital to take part
in Close Up Washington. Such diversity brings varying perspectives to the program,
resulting in a cross section of public, private, and parochial schools in urban, suburban,
and rural areas. Because Close Up assigns you and one other student from your school to a
room with two other students from another state or even another country, you will have the
opportunity to learn more about different cultures and ideas. Your small-group workshops
will include students from other schools. Because you will be with the same group all
week, you will have the chance to get to know more about and become friends with people
you may have originally thought you had nothing in common with. Close Up's students are
unique - each one brings his or her individual perspective to bear on the issues studied
during the Washington week. Close Up students teach one another more about life in places
beyond their own neighborhoods. |
Included in the Price?
Your Close Up Washington Program Includes:
- Round-trip group transportation
- Five nights of lodging at a hotel in the Washington metropolitan area
- All meals and gratuities during the program week
- All program instruction
- All planned sightseeing, entertainment, and excursions, including entrance fees
- All academic materials
- An evening at the theater or other cultural activity
- Around-the-clock emergency nursing consultation
- All in-town transportation
- A $300 nonrefundable, nontransferable registration deposit
- An excess insurance policy (limited to $4,000 life and $2,500 for each accident or
illness), secondary to any policy or program providing coverage to the participant
Note: Coverage begins on the date of departure from the community embarkation point and
terminates when the group arrives at the community release point after completion of the
program. Close Up's insurance does not cover treatment of medical conditions or injuries that occurred before your participation on the program; it also
does not cover dental work, problems associated with pregnancy, or self-inflicted illness
or injury.
Can I Enroll?
How to Enroll
Enrollment is easy. Just see your teacher..
Cancellations and Refunds
If you decide to withdraw from the program after you have submitted your deposit, notify
your Close Up teacher immediately. He or she must contact the Close Up office.
In the event of withdrawal for any reason, the following terms apply.
- The $300 deposit is nonrefundable and nontransferable. You do not get your deposit back.

- A full refund (less the $300 nonrefundable deposit) will be made if Close Up receives
cancellation notice at least 52 days prior to your scheduled participation date.
- If a cancellation is received less than 52 days prior to participation, a cancellation
fee of $300 (the deposit) will be charged.
- No refunds can be made for merit donations.
- The refund check from Close Up will be made payable only to the person from whom payment
was received.
- Refund requests should be in writing and should include the amount of the refund to be
- No refunds will be made for disruptions in program activities due to weather or other
factors beyond Close Up's control.
- Please allow four to six weeks for refunds to be processed.
- Unless instructed otherwise, Close Up will send refund checks to the school's address.
Are the Rules and Policies?
Close Up
- Students are expected to cooperate with the Close Up staff at all times.
- Male students are not allowed to visit in female students' rooms and vice versa.
Up defines "room" to include the threshold of the door.)
- Students are absolutely forbidden to possess and/or use alcoholic beverages.
- Students are absolutely forbidden to possess and/or use drugs other than those
prescribed by a doctor.
- Students are absolutely forbidden to possess and/or use firearms or weapons of any kind.
- Abuse or defacement of facilities or theft of property is strictly prohibited.
- Students are assigned to rooms and workshop groups with students whose backgrounds may
be quite different from their own. These assignments are strictly enforced. Students
who are unable or unwilling to comply cooperatively with these assignments are subject to
dismissal. Students are also expected to respect the diversity of opinions expressed
by other students and speakers.
Infractions of any of these rules may result in immediate dismissal from the program. In
case of such a dismissal, your parents and school are notified, and you will return home
immediately at your own expense, with no refund of any payments.
These rules are strictly enforced Students who feel that they cannot observe the rules
while participating in Close Up Washington are advised not to take part in the program.
These rules are in effect at all times; beginning with your arrival at the hotel on the
first day. Students are expected to comply with all local, state, and federal laws.
Close Up Policies
Daily Participation-You are required to participate in all scheduled
events unless you are ill. It is your personal responsibility to know the daily schedule
and be on time. You may not leave the hotel or the group unless you receive specific
permission from the Close Up program supervisor.
Evening Curfew-Each evening, the Close Up staff sets curfews that are
strictly enforced. Generally, the hotel curfew
is 6:00 p.m. and your room curfew is 11:00 p.m.
Motor Vehicles-You may not rent, borrow, or drive a motor vehicle of any
sort while participating in the Close Up Washington program. You may not be a passenger in
a private motor vehicle (excluding cabs) without prior written parental permission. This
policy includes independent time on Friday afternoon.
Meals-Vegetarian and no-pork options are available at all meals. Glatt
kosher meals can be provided for an additional cost of $105. Request and payment must be
received by Close Up 45 days prior to participation.
Visitors-You may receive visitors only during the independent activity
time on Friday and only if you have prior written parental permission. You may not spend a
night away from the hotel or leave the group during the Close Up week.
Room and Roommate Assignment-You may request to room with a friend from
your school. Although every effort is made to house you with your chosen roommate, Close
Up cannot guarantee this. Students are housed four to a room, so you will be rooming with
students from another school. Generally each room has two double beds, and two students
share each bed. You cannot change roommates after you have been assigned to a room.
School Policies-Students are expected to adhere to the policies of their
own school.
Dress-Attire is usually casual during the program week, although there are
several occasions when boys may want to wear a coat and tie and girls may want to wear a
dress or dress slacks. These occasions include Capitol Hill day, diplomatic briefings,
theater night, and the final banquet.
Participants- Close Up does not exclude any participants on the basis of
race, gender; disability, religion, income, or national origin.
Close Up Staff-The Close Up Foundation is an equal opportunity employer,
offering employment solely on the basis of ability, qualifications, and merit, and
prohibiting discrimination on the basis of any characteristic protected by law.
Smoking-Consistent with local law, use of any tobacco product is
Valuables-Participants should leave valuables at home. Close Up is not
responsible for lost or stolen items.
Sample Schedule |
- Arrive in Washington, D.C.
- Hotel check-In
- Welcome dinner
- Meet peers from schools nationwide
- Iwo Jima Memorial
- National Mall overlook
- Orientation workshop
- Meet & greet social activity

BA Close Up 2011 -Arrival at Washington Reagan National Airport |
- Hot breakfast buffet
- Abraham Lincoln Memorial: Study visit
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial NEW!
- Smithsonian Air & Space Museum: Study visit & lunch
- War Memorials: Study visit -
Korean, Vietnam & World War II
- National Politics Seminar: An insider’s view
- Georgetown Neighborhood: Study visit
- Dinner at Bucca Di Beppo
- Issues Debate: Liberal vs. Conservative —You get to ask the questions
- Social activity
A group picture is taken
in front of the US Capital at the beginning of our week in Washington. Click to see the BIG pic.
Washington Explorations
Receive an overview of Washington, D.C., by traveling through the neighborhoods and
discussing the concerns and challenges facing the metropolitan area not only as a city but
also as the nation's capital.
Public Policy Seminars
While on program, you and your peers will have the chance to meet and discuss hot
topics with Washington movers and shakers. Close Up gives you the opportunity to ask
questions and hear answers from the people who make the news. |
- Hot breakfast buffet
- United States Capitol: Orientation and visit
- Walk the National Mall
- Thomas Jefferson Memorial: Study visit at the Tidal Basin
- Smithsonian American History Museum: Study visit & lunch
- National Defense Seminar: Hear from the Pentagon
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial study visit
- Dinner at Pentagon City
- White House photo-op
- Mock Congress Workshop: Prep for Capitol Hill Day
- Social activity

BA students in front of the US Capital - East Front before the renovations and addition of the Capital Visitors Center. 2000.
Walking Workshop on Capitol Hill
Close Up transforms Capitol Hill into your classroom. As you walk through the halls
of Congress, you'll become acquainted with the legislative process. You may also visit the
Supreme Court and consider the historic decisions made there or see the Library of
Congress, which was resurrected in 1815 with books from Thomas Jefferson's personal
- Hot breakfast buffet
- Capitol Hill Day: Meet with your members of Congress or their staffs
- Attend and observe key testimony in Congressional Committee Hearings
- Explore Capitol Hill Visitor Center & Museum
- Lunch at the House Cafeteria
- Visit the Supreme Court & Library of Congress
- Take your seat in the Galleries to see the U.S. Senate & House of Representatives in action
- Dinner at D.C.’s historic Union Station
- Enjoy D.C.’s Signature Night Monument Tour or choose a performance at a renowned D.C. theater
- Social activity
Legislative Meetings
Close Up staff makes every effort to schedule seminars with both your senators and
your representative, who are eager to hear what's on your mind. If your representative and
senators are not available, meetings will be scheduled with members of their staffs.

With Representative Jeb Hensarling -
Bryan Adam's 5th District US
Congressman, 2010.

BA students in front of the US Supreme Court. 2005.
- Hot breakfast buffet
- Choose among our many electives or spend the day with your school:
- Law vs. Civil Disobedience: National Archives, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and Ghandi Memorial
- Art of Politics: Smithsonian Museum of American History, National Gallery of Art, Historic U Street and the African American Civil War Memorial
- Unthinkable Acts: Examining History: U.S. Holocaust Museum, Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian, Memorial to Japanese Patriotism during WWII
- Honoring Service: Arlington Cemetery, 9/11 Memorial at the Pentagon, Department of Labor Hall of Fame
- Lunch on the National Mall
- Student Photojournalism Exhibit: Show what you learned
- Banquet & dance
Student Choices
Close Up concludes the program week with a variety of electives allowing the individual students to choose particular subjects or sites of interest or return to a site introduced during the program week. The farewell banquet and dance provides an opportunity to socialize with new friends and classmates.

On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial - Washington Monument in the

Thursday night's farewell banquet and dance. 2007
- Hot breakfast buffet
- Late departure allows for a final look at Washington DC with your teacher
- Options may include: the Smithsonian Museums, the National Zoo, the Holocaust Museum, the Newseum, the Spy Museum, Arlington National Cemetery, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the National Archives and much more.
- Depart for home

The Washington Metro is our mode of transportation on Friday as we set out to explore yet more of our nation's capital. 2010


To check out past BA Close
Up trips.
click HERE.
If you want to go back to the top of the page click here. |