Dallas students, teachers fast for hunger awareness
12:04 PM CDT on Friday, April 7, 2006
By KIMBERLY DURNAN / The Dallas Morning News

Some Dallas high school students and teachers have gone on a 30-hour fast to raise awareness of world hunger, and to encourage the donation of enough canned goods to fill a school bus.

Seven teachers and 127 students at Bryan Adams High School in Far East Dallas stopped eating at 9 a.m. Thursday and plan to end the fasting at 3 p.m. Friday with a spaghetti dinner.

The students are collecting canned goods for donation to area food banks in a bus outside the school, said Melissa Russell, who teaches Peer Assistant Leadership classes at the school.

The students have been studying world hunger in class, and decided to become activists when they read that 29,000 children die every 30 hours due to malnutrition, Russell said. The students are wearing t-shirts with the words “Got Food?” printed on the front.

“One of the most impressive things is that so many of these kids are on free lunch programs themselves,” she said.

Blanca Quiroz, 18, said she has been hungry, particularly when her mother was cooking fried chicken for dinner, but she is proud she has pushed through the hunger pains for a good cause.

“I had to close my door so I couldn’t smell it,” she said. “The way I feel right now, I can’t imagine anyone feeling like this."

Quiroz said fasting has made her understand more about hunger.

“You see it on TV, but you don’t know what they are going through until you do it yourself,” she said.

Maria Moreno, 17, said her parents supported her decision to fast for 30 hours.

“They think it's good I’m involved in something important to the school and other people,” she said. “It’s a good reason to help others get food.”

E-mail kdurnan@dallasnews.com

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